diego ravier
Diego Ravier is an independent photographer based between Marseille and Brussels.
He is a narrator who offers us social visions of his environment.
He distinguishes himself with a sensitive eye for color, complex and provocative compositions. He engages and questions the public of his works. This is its trademark: to make images that highlight situations that are forgotten, to give insights into the complexity of the human condition, and to provoke an emotion that defies the viewer's gaze.
He regularly works for the international press (Financial Times, The Independent, Washington Post, The Guardian, Liberation, Corriere della Sera, L'Express, Jeune Afrique, OGGI, La Cronique, Messages, Success, La Provence...) and many NGOs. To finance its documentaries and projects, Ravier also carries out numerous works commissioned by private, corporate or public services (Mucem, Salone Internazionale del Mobile Milano, Brussels Gallery Weekend...).
A photographer above all, he also graduated in Business Administration in Milan, and worked for 6 years as a product manager in the automotive industry.
Diego Ravier has been a member of Hans Lucas Studio since 2015, he has been co-opted by Baptiste de Ville d'Avray.