Objective: (not quite finished….)
Ultimately, FRIDHA aims to be an action research laboratory and a training center whose main objective is to build a network of trust, an eco-system which contributes, through the knowledge it generates and promotes, to creating a world of trust to influence towards an optimistic world for future generations.
Until now, FRIDHA has been based on the “learning by doing” approach, an approach which is based on the design and implementation of projects.
According to our observations, the project generates a constructive and mobilizing dynamic organized around an objective to be achieved within a given time.
The project also provides a framework from which great learning and emulation often emerge, even if the lessons sometimes take time to digest.
These are all the stories that interest us and motivate us... It's fascinating to follow people who seek to live in harmony and give meaning to their actions: their twists and turns, their errors and mistakes, their victories, are as many gems as experiences that make us grow together. A bit like a series ultimately, but in the concrete of everyday life...
Research themes:
Ultimately, FRIDHA wishes to specialize in the following themes:
The art of dialogue, pedagogy and transmission
Cultural diplomacy and build confidence;
Societies, economy, environment and spirituality. Example: the value of money: doing a lot with a little; giving meaning and value to things, impact investment);
Emerging methods of financing social innovation
We believe that, faced with the changes taking place in the world, it is important and urgent to support the solidarity economy and/or the “different” economy so that everyone can find their place.