For the time being, the funding of the Forum for Research, Innovation, Human Development and the Arts (FRIDHA NGO) is essentially based on its collaboration with the investing holding company The FRIDHA Company.
The FRIDHA Company specialises in real estate, creative industries, public policies, research and innovation, European cooperation programmes, project and business management. She is particularly interested in building dialogue, supporting artists and entrepreneurs and researching financial instruments with an impact.
The development of FRIDHA NGO's growth therefore depends on that of The FRIDHA Company and vice versa: FRIDHA NGO, as an action-research laboratory close to the field, makes it possible to develop studies as well as work opportunities within a collective of professionals organized around the creative industry.
Today, FRIDHA NGO's annual budget is 30,000 euros. One of the objectives by 2025 is to find new investors and/or clients in order to diversify the sources of financial income.