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chloe cornelisse


Chloé Cornelisse worked for 5 years in "digital marketing", a fairly comfortable position, but which no longer met her expectations. She dared to leave this comfort to give meaning to her life. Several reasons guided this decision: improving one's lifestyle, correcting a "mistake" in one's path, freeing oneself from an overload of work.


"I wasn't in the right place, I was moving forward in something that didn't suit me at all. I was in a uniform that wasn't mine. That bothered me led to unhappiness. At one point, I said to myself: "I have to take the plunge, I have to stop what I'm doing now". And I resigned. It was a risk, but what reassured me when I made this decision was that I felt that I was breathing even more and that I had a smile again."

According to a French survey carried out by RegionsJob, 80% of employees are considering a professional reconsideration. A percentage which shows the dissatisfaction that some people feel in their professional life. Chloé insists on asking the right questions to identify the source of dissatisfaction. “You have to learn to know yourself, understand where the unhappiness comes from. Often unhappiness at work comes from much deeper causes.”

According to Chloé, retraining is a reconnection with one's personal tastes and interests. In her case, it was photography that relaunched her. An old dream, deeply rooted in her life journey: "Photography has been a hobby for around ten years, it's a means to put my sensitivity into images and to tell stories. I like to highlight the identity of people and in images the essence of the person." 

She has just presented an exhibition on the theme of professional retraining, under the title "WomenInChange". An exhibition which aims to portray several women who have changed their lives, in order to tell both in images and in text their journey and their transformation process. “WomenInChange is my way of becoming aware of the journey I have traveled and sharing it with other women.”

Return to your intuition

But retraining also encounters obstacles that hinder success: financial difficulties, lack of training, demotivation from those around you. For Chloé, it is normal to be afraid of the future. "The first difficulties for me were knowing what I was going to do next. The fact of having a void in front of me paralyzed me. It was also difficult to get by financially. I tried to do everything not to stay in this fear and in this phase of questions." 

That said, Chloe was not discouraged. “I advise doing what the person likes and not listening to those around you, but really coming back to yourself and your intuition.” 



Network of artistic and ecological residencies Europe, America, Africa


Brussels, Belgium

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