Sympasium on new financing mechanisms for social innovation
This symposium was organized in Mexico City in November 2019 by the Innovation Network for Sustainable Development (inno4sd.net), giving rise to numerous dialogues held within the Mexican Senate and in the amphitheater of the Iberoamerican University. FRIDHA partnered to organize and moderate the discussion session on the role and challenges of investment funds in social innovation.
Inno4sd.net brings together the main players interested in innovation for sustainable development. Its aim is to consolidate the global eco-innovation and social innovation communities and to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing by bringing together people from all sectors linked to the green and inclusive economy, sustainability and innovation. It is an action-oriented network that will support the practical application of solutions to drive transformative change and support sustainable development, worldwide.

LThe inno4sd network aims to advance the state of the art in innovation for sustainable development by:
-Reducing fragmentation by connecting multiple networks;
-Supporting knowledge connectivity for collaboration and co-generation;
-By convening policy makers, businesses and researchers to achieve change.
Supporting the meeting of this network - by financing the arrival of an international expert and organizing the moderation of a panel - allowed FRIDHA to reinvest the amphitheater rooms and contribute to the research of impact construction on a scale more global.